Monday, June 18, 2007

A new dream

This has been sitting scribbled on a piece of paper in my dressing gown for ages. The dream was set in the world of Sapphire & Steel, one of the TV shows I absolutely loved as a teenager.

In it, I was playing darts with a man, a cricketer, who was about to die...

Then he was dead. And we were left in a sort of morass of light... fields of corn glowing with a low golden light, rather sinister. We're trying to push through it all.

Steel said, "He's left all his questions behind. He knew what he was doing."

The man had escaped the usual route of death by managing to leave behind all his questions about it. But this was very dangerous for those left in life. His questions has become a sort of stultifying force that you had to try to push your way through, like dense corn...

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